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to Support Care for Monterey County Kids!

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Monterey County Supports
the Safe, Affordable, Quality Child Care Act


Monterey County Board of Supervisors

Unanimous Official Endorsement by the Full Board

Mary Adams, Supervisor, Monterey County District 5

Luis A. Alejo, Supervisor, Monterey County District 1

Wendy Root Askew, Supervisor, Monterey County District 4

Chris Lopez, Supervisor, Monterey County District 3

Jane Parker, Supervisor, Monterey County District 4 (retired)

John Phillips, Supervisor, Monterey County District 2

Simon Salinas, CA State Assemblymember and Supervisor, Monterey County District 3 (retired)


Anna Caballero, Senator, California Senate, 12th District

Sam Farr, Member, U.S. House of Representatives, 20th District (retired)

John Laird, Senator, California Senate, 17th District

Zoe Lofgren, Member, U.S. House of Representatives, 19th District

Senator Bill Monning, California State Senate (retired)

Jimmy Panetta, Member, U.S. House of Representatives, 20th District

Robert Rivas, Assemblymember, California State Assembly, 30th District


Dawn Addis, Council Member, City of Morro Bay

Lisa Berkley, Council Member, City of Marina

Kathy Biala, Mayor Pro Tem, City of Marina

Alejandro Chavez, Councilmember, City of Soledad

Mary Ann Carbone, Mayor, Sand City

Bruce Delgado, Mayor City of Marina

Dennis Donahue, Mayor, City of Salinas (retired)

Alan Haffa, Council Member, City of Monterey

Alison Kerr, Mayor, City of Del Rey Oaks

Jenny McAdams, Council Member, City of Pacific Grove

Steve McShane, Council Member, City of Salinas

Yanely Martinez, Council Member, City of Greenfield

Ian Oglesby, Mayor, City of Seaside

Maria Orozco, Mayor Gonzales (retired)

Orlando Osornio, Council Member, City of Salinas

Dave Potter, Mayor, City of Carmel

Anthony Rocha, Council Member, City of Salinas

Sergio Sanchez, Salinas Councilmember (retired)

Kim Shirley, Councilmember, City of Del Rey Oaks

Anna Velazquez, Mayor, City of Soledad

Tyller Williamson, Council Member, City of Monterey

Jon Wizard, Council Member, City of Seaside



Yuri Anderson, Trustee, Monterey Peninsula Community College District

Erica Padilla-Chavez, Trustee, Board President, Hartnell College District

Jaqueline Cruz, Vice President of Advancement & Development at Hartnell Community College

Margaret D'Arrigo, Trustee, Hartnell College District

PK Diffenbaugh, Superintendent, Monterey Peninsula Unified School District

Rosalyn Green, Trustee, Monterey Peninsula Community College District

Deneen Guss, Monterey County Superintendent of Schools

Michael Gutierrez, Superintendent/President Hartnell College

Jessica Hare, Trustee, Monterey Peninsula Unified School District

Ivan Ibarra Mora, Board Member, Soledad Unified School District

Sonia Jaramillo, Senior Director, MCOE Early Learning Program

Tom Jennings, Trustee, Monterey Peninsula Unified School District

Willard Lewallen, Superintendent/President (retired), Hartnell Community College District

Jose Lopez, Board Member, Gonzales Unified School District

Bettye Lusk, Trustee, Monterey Peninsula Unified School District

Stephanie McMurtrie Adams, Trustee, Spreckels Union School District

Veronica Miramontes, Trustee, Monterey Peninsula Unified School District and MILPA

Ray Montemayor, Trustee, Hartnell College District

Alana Myles, Trustee, Monterey Peninsula Unified School District

Kathryn Ramirez, Trustee, Salinas City Elementary School District

Roberto Ocampo, Trustee, Alisal Union School District

Sandra Villarreal Ocampo, Trustee, Salinas Union High School District

Dr. Ciriaco "Cid" Pinedo, President & CEO MAOF

Lupe Sanchez, Monterey County Board of Education, Trustee

Jacob Sandoval, Board Member, Santa Rita Union School District

Jer J. Soriano, Principal, Gonzales High School

Carolyn Swanson, Trustee, Pacific Grove Unified School Board

Jeffrey Uchida, Trustee, Monterey Peninsula Unified School District

Shannan Watkins, Executive Director Early Development Services

Amanda Whitmire, Trustee, Monterey Peninsula Unified School District

Kari Yeater, Superintendent, North Monterey County Unified School District

Mark Zacovic, Interim Superintendent/PresidentMonterey Peninsula College


Pete Delgado, President/CEO of Salinas Valley Memorial Healthcare

Regina Gage, Board Member, Salinas Valley Memorial Healthcare

Joel Hernandez, Board Member, Salinas Valley Memorial Healthcare




Dawns Dream Winery

Hijos del Sol Arts Production

Love the SkinYou're In


Rosa Acevedo

Betsy Buchalter Adler

Nina Alcaraz

Pinney Allen

Michael Applegate

Tonya Antle

Prudence Ashley

Dan Baldwin, President/CEO Community Foundation for Monterey County

Ted Balestreri, Chairman and CEO Cannery Row Company

Teddy Balestreri

Vincent Balestreri

Faye Bates

Beverly Bean

Heidi Bean

Laurie and David Benjamin

Travis Beye

Paula Black

Kim Bui Burton

Brian Call

Zoe Carter

Kevin Cartwright

Katy Castagna, President/CEO United Way Monterey County

Francisco Ceballos

Alma Cervantes

Gabriela Lopez Chavez

Janine Chicourrat, Managing Director, Portola Hotel & Spa

Glenn Church

Jennifer Clinkenbeard

Keely Clifford

Sheriden Cooley

Brad Cook

Colleen Courtney

Herbert Cortez

Kate Daniels

Christine Dawson

Kevin Dayton, Taxpayer Advocate

Soo Dean

Sona and Steve Dennis

Petra Martinez Diaz

David Dobrowski

Daniel Dodge, Sr.

Jasmine Dolan

Kimberly Drabner

Jeffrey and Lora Drezner

Julie and Rob Drezner

Sandi K. Eason

Kathyrn Eckert

Hetty Eddy

Kristine Edmunds

Ronda Eubanks

Heather Ferreira

Oscar Flores

Erin Fogg

S. Fontenay

Suzanne Francoeur Taunt

Charles Franklin

Kathleen Founds

Dawn Galante

Andrea Gania

Anabel Garcia

Marlene Garcia

Bev Gatliff

Jeri & Jim Gattis

Eliza Gomez

Lina Gomez

Lizbeth Gómez

Gelacio Gonzalez

Rosa Gonzalez

Tahra Goraya

Hal Grotke

Lisa Griffin Burns

Ronda Griffith-Harman

Limary Gutierrez

Arlene L. Maki Haffa

Karen Hagman

Krista Hanni

Sarah Hardgrave

Maria and Matthew Hauman

Natalie R. Herendeen

Daisy G. Hernandez

Mora G. Hernandez

Esther Hobbs

Cyndy Hodges

Dwight Holing

Nicole Hollingsworth

Warren Hoy

Lee Hulquist

Eleanore Humphries

Natalia Hurley

Daniel Ibarra-Rojo

Patricia Ingram

Todd Ingram

Claudia Isarraraz

Ben Jimenez, Jr

Elsa Mendoza Jimenez

Molly Johnson

Raymond Jonte-Saiz

Gary Karnes

Laura Keeley-Saldana

Dana Kent, M.D.

Ann Kern

Stephanie Kibler

Sonja Koehler

N. Monica Lal

Marisela Lara

Laurel Lee-Alexander

Ryne Leuzinger

Caryn Lewis

Paul Ligorski

Anna Linden

Alma Loredo

Christopher Long

Jane McCoy

Dora McKean

Andrea Manzo

María Elena Manzo, Program Director, Mujeres en Accion

Tobi and Michael Marcus

Barbara Martinez

Tina Martinez

Sarait Martinez

Regina and Mel Mason

Brie Mathers

Teresa Matsui, Matsui Nursery, Inc.

Megan Matteoni

Justin L. Matthews

Lori Medina

Chantal Melenchez

Adriana Melgoza

Greg Mercer

Susan Merfeld

Fred Meurer

Bob Miller

Zephyr Miller

Patricia Minnis

Kristin and Corey Molle

Alexis Magdaleno Mora

Eric Mora

Isabel Mora-Maturino

Karina Moreno

Gail Morton

Isabel Munzo-Palma

Konny Murray

Jessica Naranjo

Michael Nevares

Annie Notthoff

Sandra and Roberto Ocampo

Jake Odello

Jose Ortiz

Esmeralda Montenegro Owen

Michael Owen

Julie Packard, Executive Director, Monterey Bay Aquarium

Ann Packer

Ivan R. Pagan

Maria Carmen Parra

Junnue Partida-Cook

Angela Parks

Karen Paull

Dr. Julia Pederson

Maggie Pederson

Renee Penalver

Judy Player

Luis Politron

Rose Politzer

Juliet B Pool

Deborah Port

Monta Potter

Laurie M. Ramirez

Trini Ramos

Anthony Redhorse

Monica Rico

James Riley

Rev. Angel Rivero, Pastor, Marina United Methodist Church

Elliott C Robinson

Francine Rodd

Anayeli Rodriguez

Maria Rodriguez, Mujeres en Accion/COPA

Gail Root

Desiree Rosas

Joy Rubey

Amber Russell, Broker/Owner, Over the Moon Realty, Inc.

Maria Saenz

Rosie F. Sanchez

Barbara Schneider

Janet Shing

Jan Shriner

Gabriela Silva

Judy and Philip Silverstein

Jacqueline C. Simon

Ben Slay

Cristina Sotelo

Rosemary Soto

Deitra Steiner

Elisabeth Stitt

Joanne Storkan

Judy Sulsona

Bruce Sweeney

David Taggart

Travy Tanner

Bruce Taylor

Laura Tinajero

Cammy Torgenrud

Monica Tovar

Erik Uppman

Stephen L. Vagnini

Sonya Valencia

Valentia Valentine

Leonel Velazquez

Maria Vera

Israel Villa

Sandra Villarreal Ocampo

Josh Warburg

Katelyn Wendt

Alissa Whittle

Christine Winge

Joanna Wong

Rachel Wong

Ghennay Woods

Maureen Wruck

Susan Yedlicka

Martha Zárate

Laura Zehm

Lisa Ziska-Marchand

*Partial list. Titles are for identification purposes only.


Paid for by Care for Monterey County Kids – Yes on Measure Q,
committee major funding from:

Heising-Simons Action Fund

Children's Funding Accelerator, Inc

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