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Ley de cuidado infantil seguro, asequible y de calidad
¡Para que todos los niños comiencen la escuela listos para triunfar!

Desafortunadamente, solo uno de cada cuatro niños en el condado de Monterey está listo para el jardín de infantes porque muchas familias no tienen acceso a la educación infantil temprana.


El cuidado infantil y la educación temprana asequibles y de calidad son especialmente importantes para los niños que no tienen hogar o la amenaza de quedarse sin hogar, o que están en riesgo de abuso o negligencia.

Las investigaciones muestran que el 90% del cerebro de un niño se desarrolla antes de los cinco años.

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Monterey Kids Campaign Kick Off Press Conference, June 6, 2022

Dr. Deneen Guss
Monterey County Superintendent of Schools

Shannan Watkins
Executive Director, Early Development Services

Priscilla Amao
Grad student at CSUMB and Mother to 4-year-old

Tahra Goraya
President/CEO, Monterey Economic Partnership

Kevin Dayton
Taxpayers Advocate


Ida Berchard
Hartnell RN Student Nurse

Simon Salinas
Retired Monterey County Supervisor

Alma Loredo
Parent Organizer, Padres Unidos

Erica Padilla Chavez
Board President, Hartnell Community College

John Phillips
Supervisor, Monterey County District 2

Monica Lal
CEO, Monterey Peninsula Chamber of Commerce

Chris Lopez
Supervisor, Monterey County District 3

Sonia Jaramillo
Directora del programa de aprendizaje temprano de la oficina de educación del condado de Monterey

Celene Hernandez
Madre de Familia

Sandi Eason
Board Chair, United Way Monterey County

“We all know that if our youngest learners, which are our babies, if they have high-quality child care right from the get-go, they’re going to be so much better prepared for school”

Dr. Deneen Guss, Monterey County Superintendent of Schools

"Hospitality, health care, farm workers. These are all positions that require child care. And many of our community members have not been able to return to work to aid our small businesses."

Monica Lal, President/CEO Monterey Peninsula Chamber of Commerce

“It’s not about forcing anybody to put their kid into child care but about creating opportunity for those who want it and need it. That should be available to everyone in my mind.”

Chris Lopez, Supervisor, Monterey County District 3

“Only 25 percent of our youngest children enter school ready to learn, as child care becomes more and more inaccessible to families who may already be struggling to make ends meet.”

Shannan Watkins, Executive Director, Early Development Services

“Our county is one of the richest, but our farmworkers, parents who work as line workers, don’t have access to high-quality child care.”

Alma Loredo, Parent Organizer, Comite Padres Unidos/Building Healthy Communities

“There were times that I thought about giving up on pursuing higher education because I was struggling to find safe quality, affordable child care.”

Priscilla Amao, Grad student at CSUMB and Mother to 4-year-old

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